
Friday, October 23, 2009

The Fall

The leaves just don't seem to be changing into beautiful crisp fall colors. Instead they are turning brown, withering, and crumpling to the ground leaving the branches bare. It's practically a dead sight.
As a child I remember the trees this time of year being filled with bright red, yellow, and orange leaves. And when they did start showering to the ground, they would still stay in their pretty colors. I used to pick them off the ground and bring them home or use them for school projects.
Age matures us, but it also makes us ignorant.


Thursday, October 22, 2009


Lal Bindi is a blog dedicated to fashion, art, design, Indian culture and my countless other interests and hobbies. Hopefully, I will benefit from this blog by committing to it. I want to inspire people the way I've been inspired by others.

The first post is dry and pretty straight forward, but first impressions don't reveal everything.
